
I’m grateful to witness the awesome spirit of my team

During the pandemic, you will receive a lot of emails about giving tips and advice on how to survive your business these days. Technically, however, no one tells you about how they did or what they are doing.  I’m grateful to witness the awesome spirit of my team in the thick of pandemic. Thank you, team! 

So, I will tell you how we are doing business these days frankly. 

According to my quote “Think simple, Follow your passion”, let’s begin with our agency business. 

Although Pixellion is still doing great, 4 other businesses are in the stage of struggle. To save from further trouble, I made a tough decision to arrange unpaid leave for some employees. Pixellioners shared some percent from their monthly salaries which went into the support of 4 other businesses. 

So, we are doing as usual by getting new projects and maintaining all brands. Not so different from you, we work from home since the end of February. However, we do not find any difficulties as we are already used to with a lot of online tools for operation. 

Even though the operation process is as same as usual, no doubt we need more time for face to face video calls. We have been using Basecamp, Gsuite, Hubspot, and cloud accountant tools before COVID-19. 

Basecamp is efficient all in one app for project management, calendar, task, communication, files transfer, and more. Hubspot is used for CRM, Email, and sale process. We also use google meet for face to face communication. All of these apps are good for remote teams in obvious and effective ways. 

I have set up a new business at the end of 2019: sadly, I can’t launch and focus on it. This time I have to strive for the good of Pixellion group. 

We are going to implement our new services name “Pixellion Plus” which is an online education platform with email courses. Smart, easy, and fast to learn! Please check Pixellion Plus

As a life-long learner, I have studied and acquired valuable knowledge from Linkedin Learning, Udemy, Youtube and currently, I am learning sign language. 

Putting a great effort and enthusiasm, I challenged myself for inbox zero. The victory over the difficulty. Finally, I did it and achieved another milestone. If you are curious about inbox zero, please check 4 easy ways of making inbox zero

As you know me, I am a positive thinker in every situation. For what I believe, I received tons of motivation from my esteemed clients. Please read ☝️ Together, we overcome! ☘️ to find out how we overcome the struggle.

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