What is Google Adword and How Work

AdWords is the online advertising platform owned and operated by Google. It is the largest and widely used online advertising network in the world. It is one of the most effective ways to reach new customers and grow your business. What is Google Adword and How Work?

Google AdWords can target users across two main networks these are the search network and the Display network. The search network refers to pay-per-click advertising in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in search engine.

The Display network offers advertisers the option of placing visual banner-style advertisements on websites.

Many people are looking for solutions to problems that your business can offer. If they’ve ever used the internet, chances are they’ve Googled the answer to something.

And if you can help them find the answer and even if it’s with an ad, they’re more likely to choose you than your competitor.

Your business can get a lot of benefits by putting an AdWord. Like getting quicker results than with SEO, build brand awareness on hand, earn more conversion and maximize ROI with different bidding strategies.

When we’re talking about biddings, there’re 3 types —

1. CPC bidding

It’s short for “Cost-per-click”, method of bidding and maximum bid for a click and pay when your ad gets clicked.

2. CPM bidding

which stands for “cost per thousand viewable impressions,” is what Google recommends if you’re trying to build brand awareness. With this strategy, you choose an amount of money you’re willing to pay for 1,000 people to see your advertisement in full view. It’s only available on the Google Display Network, not the search network.

3. CPA bidding

This is what Google recommends to advertisers, when they’re focused on conversions. You’ll bid based on how much a particular conversion goal is worth to your business.

There’re way more pros for businesses of all sizes with different budgets and different advertising goals and different target audiences. Why not grab such an impressive advertisement for your company? Pixellion 360 can help you right away.

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