Getting started with Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) has influenced on social media for years and popular on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Getting started with Augmented Reality.

Augmented reality combines real and computer-based scenes and images to deliver a unified but enhanced view of the world.

And it is obvious that AR and social media work very well together. Social media users can bring life to AR filters and play games with other users and friends.

Snapchat recently released several features called Shoppable AR. Brands can promote their websites and sign up pages to share videos and to get people to install their applications.

Users can try out a brands’ product using the lens and then the retailer will direct the consumers to where they can actually buy that product.

Buying products with AR are much more engaging experience because people don’t need to go to the physical stores anymore and they can try out the products and buy them directly online.

AR videos are highly shareable and so people can know how to use their products. Thus, brands can create amazing AR videos for audiences and make them want to share.

Augmented Reality has already linked to social media due to Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram. Besides, these top three media encourage consumers to understand how to use and create by giving the tools they need. Brands start to adopt this technology more and more. If you want to create for your brand, you can create at Pixellion.

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